Trans fatty acids have the presence of one or more double bonds in the trans configuration instead of the usual cis configuration.
They are desired by Vanaspati industry as they impart firmness to margarines and plasticity as well as emulsion stability to shortenings.
Research has proved the direct connection of trans fatty acids with
- Cardiovascular diseases
- Breast cancer & Colon cancer
- Shortening of Pregnancy period
- Risks of preeclampsia
- Disorders of Nervous system
- Vision in infants
- Diabetes
- Obesity
- allergy
In light of these new findings trans fatty intake should be zero and new technology of hydrogenation of oils is to be developed which produce zero trans fatty acids at the same time preserve the desirable properties contributed by trans fatty acids to the hydrogenated oils.
Presently in India there is no system to monitor and regulate the amount of trans fats in processed foods and hence a stringent food law is immediately required.