A type of hair loss known as scarring alopecia, also known as cicatricial alopecia, is brought on by the degeneration of your hair follicles, which are the shafts on the surface of your skin through which hair grows.
Usually, burns, chemicals, infections, or autoimmune diseases are to blame. Scarring alopecia can cause permanent hair loss because healthy hair follicles are necessary for hair growth.
Both the patient and the surgeon may find it difficult to treat patients who have burn alopecia or hair loss.
The degree of hair loss and the availability of suitable donor hair are two of the many limiting factors that will determine whether or not a patient is a candidate for hair restoration.
Over follicular unit extraction (FUE) or strip follicular unit transplant (FUT), the current surgical method for hair transplantation, has emerged as the preferred course of treatment for alopecic areas that demand a more sophisticated aesthetic outcome.
A burn survivor’s self-esteem may be negatively impacted by hair loss on their brow, eyelashes, beard, and scalp. Non-surgical hair restoration options are also covered in case surgery is not an option.
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