Health news

How Medical condition and Personality cause Derpression?

Medical conditionsSome examples of chronic illnesses that may cause depression are diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, kidney disease, HIV and AIDS, lupus,…

2 years ago

Do Brain chemistry and Genetics cause Depression ?

Brain ChemistryLow dopamine levels make people less likely to work toward achieving a goal.People with clinical depression often have increased…

2 years ago

How Depression caused by Medication and Life Events?

MedicationsThat May Cause Depression.Many common medications can affect moods and thoughts,often by affecting  levels of certain hormones or brain chemicals…

2 years ago

How Curd improves Immunity?

The presence of essential minerals like Magnesium and Zinc in curd increases immunity to a great extent.It helps protect against…

2 years ago

How Curd is good for Heart?

Curd prevents theFormation of cholesterol, prevents high blood pressure and hypertension.Consuming curd regularly in the diet helps to minimize the risk of…

2 years ago

How Curd helps in Weight loss?

Curd is an excellent fat burner. Curd contains high amounts of calcium which helps in keeping  BMI levels in check.Probiotics present…

2 years ago

Does Curd removes Dandruff?

Curd's antimicrobial properties make it a mild cleansing agent that keeps dandruff and dry hair at bay. You can mix 2-3…

2 years ago

How Curd Improves Vaginal Health?

Yogurt may be effective remedy because it contains Lactobacillus bacteria.This healthful bacteria lives in thegut,urinary tract, vagina without irritating these areas.Using…

2 years ago

Does Curd control Blood Sugar Level ?

Curd is rich in protein, and it helps regulate  blood glucose level.Due to its probiotic nature,Regular consumption of curd improves …

2 years ago

Benefits of Chamomile Tea.

Chamomile has been valued as a digestive relaxant and has been used to treat various gastrointestinal disturbances includingflatulence,indigestion,diarrhea,anorexia,motion sickness,nausea, vomiting .Chamomile…

2 years ago