A cup of apricot slices (165g) gives you 3.3 g of fiber – that’s 8.6 percent of your daily allowance (RDA) for men and 13 percent for women.
Apricots have two types of fiber: Soluble and Insoluble
The soluble fiber is soluble in water and contains things like pectin, gum, and polysaccharides.
The insoluble fiber, on the other hand, doesn’t dissolve in water and has stuff like cellulose, haemicellulose and lignin.
Fiber also stops food from passing through your digestive system, which helps keep your gut bacteria healthy.
A better gut microbiome has been linked to lower rates of obesity.
Fiber has been proven to slow down food as it moves through your digestive system, so it helps keep the good bacteria in your gut healthy.