Moringa benefits on Cancer !

Moringa Oleifera is a member of the Moringaceae family of plants. It is commonly referred to as the “Wonderful Tree” because it has been traditionally used to treat various diseases, including cancer, in many parts of the world, including Africa and Asia.

Currently, there is very little information on the cytotoxic effect of the Moringa Oeleifera seed on the breast cancer cell MCF7. This study focused on the anti-proliferative effect of the seed on the MCF7.

Colorectal Cancer is the 3rd most deadly cancer in the world. It affects both men and women equally. In the last year alone, around 140,000 people in the United States were diagnosed with cancer of the large intestine. The estimated survival rate of these patients was 50% or less.

According to the Saudi Cancer Registry, there has been a sharp rise in the number of colorectal cancers in the Kingdom . Breast cancer is also one of the most deadly cancers in the world.

A study conducted in Saudi Arabia between 2001–2008 showed a significant increase in the number of young women diagnosed with breast cancer. Women in these provinces are more likely to develop breast cancer.

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